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Why is Health Class Important?

by Nathaniel Lambert on April 22, 2024

To many of us, health class is just any other class we need to take to complete high school. Some, however, may ask themselves, why do I have to take this class? There are many reasons why we have to take it, and one example is the knowledge you learn from the class. The knowledge you learn from this class can be easily applied to your own life and can help you throughout your life. The information you are taught in there is very helpful due to the fact you learn how your body works and how to keep your body healthy.

Some of the most important things you learn in health class can seem relatively easy at first glance, but in fact, there are more complicated things than you might think. Take for example nutrition, it is one of the few things in health class that everyone has heard of before, but not a lot of us understand it that well, and even I did not understand it that well before I was in health class. We all know what proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are, or at least heard of them, seems not that complex. Truthfully, it is not that simple. Fats are a primary example of the types of the things you learn in health class. There are three types of fats, unsaturated fats, saturated fats, trans fats; the first two are relatively fine to consume, while trans fats actually up your chances for heart disease if you consume enough of it. That is why health class is so important. You learn about things that can negatively affect your health and things that positively affect your health.

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