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Cryptid Slinger

by Aden Swisher on May 1, 2024

Cryptid Slinger is a card game based off of Card Wars and Chaotic. This is a mixture that allows for a fun and easy battling game for everyone. There is no resource that is needed to play cards. You will simply have four cryptids and three areas. You and your opponent can decide who goes first. Let us take the first card ever made as an example for the card stats; the Hungry Wendigo card has 3 power, 2 health, 5 speed, and 4 as its magic rank. Power stands for how much damage you can do with it. Health is the amount of damage it can withstand. The speed tells you how fast it is. The last stat is the magic rank which stands for its magical level. The total stats on a card must add up to 14. Mostly, every card has abilities or spells. The Hungry Wendigo card has the savage ability along with the bloodlust ability. The savage ability allows you to make sure your attack hits first. The bloodlust ability is exclusive to the Wendigo cards; this allows your card to gain one extra power every turn it is unopposed. Areas also have abilities that you can use, but you have to turn them on their side to use them.

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